
Academic Staff

Yang Jianxi,

Professor, doctor of engineering, is mainly engaged in basic theoretical research and engineering practice of bridge health monitoring, safety assessment and life prediction. He has won one second prize of national science and technology progress award, one first, second and third prize of provincial and ministerial level science and technology, one invention patent, one academic work published, three software copyrights, and more than 30 academic papers published, including 6 SCI searches by the first author and 10 EI searches. He has presided over one National Natural Science Foundation project, one provincial and ministerial key project and three provincial and ministerial general fund projects There are 1 project of 973 preliminary plan, 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation, and 10 provincial and ministerial projects

Lan Zhangli,

Professor, doctor of engineering, ACM member, CCF senior member, CCF University liaison officer, YOCSEF AC member, Chongqing artificial intelligence society member, young backbone teacher of ChongqingJiaotongUniversity. The main research directions include traffic information and intelligence, solar energy, image processing, etc. Focus on the undergraduate teaching of analog circuit, digital image processing and other courses.

Zhong Youming,

director of Chongqing artificial intelligence society. Mainly engaged in signal analysis and processing, virtual instrument, traffic simulation, information visualization and other fields. It mainly undertakes the undergraduate teaching of college computer foundation, traffic information processing, signal and system, C language programming, computer simulation technology and other courses.

Xu Kai,

Professor, reviewer of Natural Science Edition of Journal of Fuzhou University. Mainly engaged in fuzzy control, neural network control, adaptive control, computational intelligence and its application in electric drive, process control and power system. It mainly undertakes the undergraduate teaching work of "automatic control principle", "mechatronics", "C language programming", "University Computer Foundation".

He Youquan,

Professor, doctor of engineering, director of Chongqing artificial intelligence society. Mainly engaged in computer image processing and pattern recognition, computer information processing and data mining and other fields of research. It focuses on the undergraduate teaching of algorithms analysis and design, Fundamentals of CAD, Fundamentals of computer graphics, Fundamentals of university computer, and fundamentals of computer software.

Zhao Ling,

At present, She is engaged in the research of system operation information mining and identification, fault diagnosis and prediction, system modeling and dynamic analysis, etc. He has presided over 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation, 1 key scientific research project of Chongqing, 7 general projects of provincial and ministerial level, won 1 second prize of provincial and ministerial level, and 1 outstanding achievement award of postgraduate education. The principal research has participated in 8 national, provincial and ministerial projects including the National Natural Science Foundation. He has published more than 30 academic papers and been indexed by SCI/EI for 20 times. He was selected as a member of the data-driven, Learning and Optimization Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, and a member of the Technical process Fault diagnosis and safety professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation. As the National Natural Science Foundation evaluation expert, provincial and ministerial scientific research project evaluation expert.

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