The 8th CCF big data conference co-sponsored by Chongqing Jiaotong University was successfully held

Nov 20, 2020 03:49 PM  Click:[]





From October 22 to 24, 2020, the 8th CCF big data Academic Conference (CCF bigdata 2020), sponsored by China Computer Society (CCF), CO hosted by CCF big data expert committee and Southwest University, and co organized by Chongqing Jiaotong University and other seven units, was held in the center of Chongqing International Conference and exhibition. The meeting focused on big data enabled digital economy, big data governance and open sharing, big data enabling intelligent software engineering, big data visualization analysis and calculation, big data privacy and security protection, big data analysis and mining and intelligent computing methods. Yang Jianxi, Dean of School of information science and engineering of our university, served as the sponsor chairman of CCF bigdata 2020 conference.



Many top international experts and scholars in the field of big data were invited to make special reports and sub forum special reports. At the same time, various forms of academic exchange activities, such as special forum, youth forum and group oral report, were organized. Nearly 700 experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities and industry attended the meeting. The school of information science and engineering of our university organized more than 20 young scholars including Wang Guiping, Li Ren, Liu Xinlong, Zhang Miao, Yang Qing and other young scholars to participate in the academic conference. They mainly listened to the relevant reports on the construction and talent cultivation of data science and big data technology, and conducted exchanges and discussions.




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